Anxiety and Depression: Everything You Need to Know About Co-existing Symptoms
Feeling like you’re constantly “on edge” while also grappling with persistent sadness can feel like being caught between a rock and a hard place. Anxiety and depression can, indeed, coexist...
Procrastination: Why We Delay Things and How to Overcome It
Let’s face it; it’s tempting to put off tasks we don’t enjoy—even though it will lead to more stress later. When you intentionally delay tasks, knowing that it may lead...
Midlife Marriage Crisis: Why it Happens and How Therapy Can Help
Even the most solid bonds can buckle under the weight of career and family demands, even if the bond has already been tempered by the forces of life. If you...
How to Navigate Through Emotional Conflicts in Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide
Emotions are what makes us human. They are a part of our everyday lives, needed to connect with others and provide vibrancy in life. If there were no emotions, there...
Everything You Need To Know About Family Depression: Causes, Effects, and Treatment
Depression isn’t always isolated. It can weave a long threat of despair. Yes, just like diabetes and heart disease, depression runs in families. Family depression is a pervasive problem, and...
Ghosting in Relationship: Why it Happens and Effective Ways to Cope
You are in a new, exciting relationship. Dates are going great, you are having lovely conversations, and everything seems right on track. The next thing you know, the other person...
How to Heal Healthily from a Toxic Relationship: 3 Valuable Tips
Pulling out of a toxic relationship is an important and brave step that everyone should have the freedom to take. Be that as it may, breaking up inevitably comes with...
How Couple Counselling Can Benefit You and Your Partner
One thing couples quickly realize after tying the knot is that making a marriage work isn’t as easy as they think. After the initial honeymoon or break-in period, many couples...
Marriage and Couples Counselling – What it is, Benefits and Common Myths
In India, where the cultural and societal fabric places significant importance on marriage, the pressures and challenges of maintaining a healthy relationship can be immense. According to ABCT, approximately 20%...