Finished your Master’s but wondering how to start practicing? A Master’s provides theoretical knowledge about counselling but it could miss out on the practical experience of being a psychologist. Faculty Minds brings an immersive training and supervision program for budding psychologists to receive hands-on experience.

Envisioned by Shreemant Yadav, we introduce to you the Finishing School for Psychologists. It is a 3 months apprenticeship that helps to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. The apprenticeship will entail observing, understanding, and applying the industry knowledge in real-life clinic settings. Our experienced practicing psychologists will guide and teach you through their everyday professional practice. The objective is to support professional needs by offering empirical-based training aiding psychologists in their growth. This will also allow you to learn about the different aspects of clients you should focus on, the type of therapeutic model that is best suited to understand your client’s needs, and the extensive process of finding the root causes of the client’s problems.

We offer an educational experience with a school for young psychologists. You will undergo rigorous training and expert supervision with your supervisor identical to a school experience. You will have an exciting first day, track progress through your journey, and even receive a certificate.

Please note, this is a paid apprenticeship (the psychologist has to pay to be a part of it).

Gain on-the-job training on these 4 modules:
1. Observations: Get an exclusive opportunity to observe sessions.
2. Psychological testing and assessment: Learn about conducting psychological testing for various populations (children, adolescents, and adults) and writing extensive, high-quality reports.
3. Exposure to cases: Get exposure to varied client cases. Attend case discussion
meetings, learn to get to the root cause of a client’s problem, help to create case
formulations, and choose the best intervention for the client.
4. Understanding adjunct therapies: Master multiple adjunct therapies that are essential to help the client to explore their unconscious negative feelings and overcome them.
Adjunct therapies would include Visual Imagery, Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle
Relaxation, Art Therapy, and Emotion-Focused Therapy.

Key Takeaways:

a. The psychologists will learn competent counselling skills, observe real-life cases, and understand the intricate process of counselling.
b. The apprentices will be ready to start their professional practice, and offer counselling and therapy right after.
c. This can be a great aid for new counselors who may be unsure of professional
ethics/legal issues and assist them in developing principles of best professional practice.
d. Our training will help facilitate a shared learning experience and networking in the mental health field.
e. Apprentices will get an exclusive opportunity to meet experts in the mental health field –learn from their unique perspectives, gain invaluable insight, and increase their professional value.

For queries or to register, please contact 9930990765 or 9920932494.

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