About Us

Faculty Minds Mental Health Clinic

About Us

“Growth occurs when individuals confront problems, struggle to master them, and through that struggle develop new aspects of their skills, capacities, views about life.” – Carl Rogers. 

Faculty Minds as a team of professional psychologists believes in the above statement. We strive to enhance awareness in our clients through various practices. We work dedicatedly with our clients to help them introspect, analyze, and create a transformation. The shift is more about an inner revolution than solving any problem.

Faculty Minds was envisioned by our founder and director Mr. Shreemant Yadav. During his launching years in the industry he found a huge discrepancy between the need of the population and the complete lack of a genuine, human centric and empathetic professional setting. The most troubling sight for him was the insensitive treatment of people with personal or mental health challenges. The normal (abnormal) practice of labelling and categorizing people randomly with mental disorders and pushing them to medications concerned him. These inhuman and unethical practices with vulnerable people experiencing mental health challenges motivated him to establish a safe place. Faculty Minds was established to dissolve these labels and see people for their potential to transform and rebuild their lives beyond a disorder classification.

Since its inception, Faculty minds is not just a clinic, it’s a haven for people to create awareness within, introspect and learn to transform the self. As every individual goes through different challenges and difficult stages of life, it breaks some of them. Since people are troubled and perturbed due to various reasons, we pay close attention to an individual’s life cycle, patterns, and idiosyncrasies. This helps us prevent classifying our clients and maintain a dedicated vision on their difficulties. We give importance to an individual’s self-perspective, their ambitions, dreams, and experiences. This helps us in creating more precise, client centered and differentiated intervention programs. As an alternative to labelling every client with a disorder, we focus on their strengths, likes or dislikes, motivators, situations, and circumstances. We provide a holistic psychological perspective of our client’s core and peripheral problems, interpersonal processes, and worldly beliefs. This enables them in creating a bird’s eye view of their life. We team up with our clients as a co-traveler in their journey and help them discover, rediscover, or construct new routes to a successful and fulfilling life.

Faculty Minds is a specialized clinic made of qualified, skilled, experienced, and genuine psychologists and psychotherapists. Every member of our team is knowledgeable and trained in various therapy and intervention modules. We have a team which specializes in different therapies and age groups. Each representative of the team is a frontrunner in therapy, providing globally recognized and scientific therapy assistance. Our team members hold professional degrees with unmatched training and experience. We periodically provide our team with skill upgradation and enhancement programs. It gives us an edge over others in identifying the origins of our client’s discomfort and delivering interventions with surgical precision. We help our clients resolve the actual concerns as a replacement for operating through just the symptoms of their struggles. This facilitates our clients to save efforts, time, and money.

Faculty Minds as a team of driven and empathetic professionals envisions a society without misconceptions and taboos about mental health. We endeavor to make accessible this life altering, potential enhancing and internally fulfilling experience to every individual in need. Our vision is to create a foundation inclined towards human experience and ability enhancement. We dream to make it more person centric, by paying close attention to the thoughts, emotions, desires, and ambitions. We hope to dissolve the uncompromising medical perspective towards mental health difficulties and reduce the dependency on medications and clinical classifications. As part of our dream we envision creating a facilitating space which normalizes seeking help for psychological disputes. We dream to make it as normal as obtaining assistance from our family physician and seeking a genuine, heartfelt guidance from a professional we trust, more for a human interaction, than being just for their professional abilities.


At Faculty Minds, we follow a streamlined process keeping in mind the needs of our clients. The process is planned to provide optimum experience out of each session. When a client approaches us, our team members make a preliminary enquiry into the client’s needs. The connecting psychologist creates a framework of the goals, difficulties and problems faced by the client. Through this we aim to channelize the client to an appropriate psychologist more suited to help them with their specific need. Following this we do an intake interview session, which entails a complete history gathering, identifying the specific needs, forming goals to achieve through therapy. The complete analysis of the client’s background, past experiences, current complaints, and personality characteristics are taken into consideration. This helps us to make a customized program which is tailor made for exactly what the client desires to achieve through therapy. In addition to this, the client may be prescribed an assessment program, which helps the psychologist identify any underlying triggers, characteristics, and conditions. These assessments are paper-pencil tests, questionnaires, and scales. These help in interpreting the client better. At the end of intake interview and assessment, the client is provided with a problem centric therapy and interventions program. According to each client’s needs, the sessions, therapy module and interventions plan is altered. This gives the client maximum benefits in a focused and time saving manner.

Our Team

Senior Psychologist & Business Head

Ruchika Bothra

Ruchika is the Senior Psychologist and Head of Operations at Faculty Minds. She holds a Post Graduate degree in Counselling Psychology from University of Mumbai, Department of Applied Psychology
Assistant Senior Psychologist

Prerna Pursnani

Prerna is a passionate and driven personality. Her passion for psychology and mental health helps her face the most difficult cases and circumstances.
Assistant Psychologist

Mahima Kothari

Mahima, an assistant psychologist at Faculty Minds, has chosen her career path driven by a deep desire to assist others and improve their lives.
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