
We are here to help

Frequent Questions

When should I seek counseling?

Generally, clients approach us with long standing and chronic problems, which have persisted over time. However, people also seek counseling for troubling events which causes them emotional discomfort. If you feel you are not able to control your emotions and experience repetitive thoughts, which seem to be automatic and intrusive, then seeking counselling is appropriate for you. Also, if you are prescribed medications or diagnosed with a disorder, it’s of paramount importance to seek counseling. We have had many people reach out to us to explore more about themselves and start on the path of self-actualization in therapy too.

What is the difference between a Psychotherapist/Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?

Psychotherapist is trained to understand human mind, its mechanisms, and functions. A professional psychotherapist holds special training above and beyond the basic degree. A professional Psychotherapist holds a detailed experience of therapy, usually having minimum 1000 Hours of clinical practice.

Do you prescribe medication and is it necessary?

We do not prescribe medicines. However, we work diligently with people on medications. We also provide psychotherapy support to people diagnosed with clinical disorders and are put on medications. Some of our clients have successfully stopped medications and have improved their functionality through psychotherapy only. Eliminating any need for medications.

Can people on psychiatric medications seek counseling? Will it help?

Yes. We regularly deal with clients on medications. A globally recognized standard is to help every client on medications with the support of psychotherapy. This helps in better and faster improvement in the client. Regarding mental health, medications and psychotherapy go hand in hand.

What is the time frame for therapy?

A time frame for therapy program is customized and tailor made for every client. The timeline is based on number of sessions, the frequency of sessions, goals to achieve and improvement in the client. Usually a therapy program goes for a few weeks, having minimum one session each week. The frequency is subject to change according to each client. One disclaimer – A psychotherapist cannot help you achieve your goals in 2 to 3 sessions, as psychotherapy is not about advice giving, problem solving and providing convenient solutions

What is therapy and which is suitable for me?

The therapy best suited for you will be based on the goals set by you in guidance with your therapist. We at Faculty Minds adopt an eclectic approach to help clients. The program is created keeping in mind the needs of the client and fastest way to reach prognosis.

What changes can I expect out of therapy?

Changes are based on the goals that can be short term or long term. You may experience a self-makeover, making you more adaptable to handle the realities of life and external challenges. You can expect help to alter your personality, perspective towards life, generate more awareness, eliminate discomfort causing emotions and have a better control and grip over your thinking processes.

Will therapy make me feel good?

Therapy is more than a feel good process. It works on making you be uncomfortable from time to time for challenging your thought patterns, unhealthy negative emotions and perspectives.

Will I be given advice about solving my problems?

You will not be getting a direct advice, solution or suggestion from your therapist. The role of a therapist is to help you become more capable and skilled at handling your challenges and making decisions for self.

Is the process confidential? Will my family come to know about it?

Confidentiality in Counselling entails a space where Clients can explore sensitive experiences with a knowledge that the Therapist will not repeat or misuse the information discussed outside of the counselling room. Our clients’ privacy and wellbeing are of utmost importance to us. We have a strict confidentiality policy at our clinic which protects identity of all our clients and inquiry calls. We take pride in upholding ourselves at par with the Ethical Codes and Guidelines provided by various International Organisations.

Do I need to have a clinical diagnosis or disorder to seek counseling?

Challenges faced by Individuals can be of diverse nature which may not necessarily fit any clinical diagnosis but may be imperative to resolve, in order to achieve individual’s potential. Counselling is a process of developing a therapeutic relationship with an aim to offer individual assistance in understanding their challenges and resolving them. Hence, individuals from various walks of life can benefit from counselling wherein they can unlock their potential and achieve success.

What are psychological tests and what kind of assessment is needed?

Based on the nature of the problem you present an assessment may or may not be suggested to you. Different age ranges demand for varied assessments from time to time. To understand the nature of your problem better, unconscious patterns and identify the underlying challenges personality tests or unconscious analysis clubbed with various scales may be requested of you. The basis of assessments is to provide an exact diagnosis to help in faster prognosis.

What age ranges do you work with?

We provide counselling across lifespan, including but not limited to children ranging from 3 years of age to geriatric population (60+ years of age). We have a team of Psychologists employed at our centre, specialised in different fields of psychology, who cater to different needs of different age groups.

What all therapies do you provide?

We provide talk-therapy to clients. Our psychologists are trained in various modules of therapies. These include:

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Rational Emotive Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Exposure Therapy
  • Behaviour Modification
  • Mindfulness Therapy
  • Jacobson’s Progressive Muscle Relaxation
  • Play & Art Therapy
  • Special Education & Remedial Education
  • Emotion Focused Therapy
  • Attention and Concentration Program
  • Self-Mastery Program
  • Social Skills Program
Do you do online counseling? And is it the same as in person?

In the changing times we have developed a robust system of online therapy which is seamlessly administered through online video platforms. We have successfully employed this system to benefit our clients all across the globe with similar results as in person. Moreover, we have found online platform having its own benefits in terms of comfort, confidentiality and time availability which often complements the therapy process.

Can self-diagnosis work for me?

A self-diagnosis will be subject to personal biases which may not be in line with the reality. The biases may lead to exaggeration or overanalysing one’s symptoms hence misdiagnosing one’s symptoms. It is critical that a professional therapist observes, analyses and diagnoses the challenges faced by an individual to present an unbiased and expert opinion.

Can I choose my therapist?

We at Faculty Minds would recommend a therapist for you, after understanding your concerns upon initial contact. You are free to provide us with your inputs and preferences, following which a therapist best suited to your concern and requirements will be assigned to you.

Are the Therapists qualified to deal with my problems?

All the therapists in our team are qualified with an MA degree (either in Counselling or Clinical Psychology) and further specialised in specific therapies. You can find out more information about our therapists in the Our Team section of the website.

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